§ 1910.141 Sanitation.
(a) General(1) Scope. This section applies to permanent places of employment.
[ . . . ]
(2) Definitions applicable to this section.
Toilet room, means a room maintained within or on the premises of any place of employment, containing toilet facilities for use by employees.
What part of the above OSHA regulation did you fail to read and comprehend? Employees in the places I listed use the same toilet rooms as the public, and any toilet used by an employee is subject to this OSHA regulation whether or not members of the general public also use it.
“Employees in the places I listed use the same toilet rooms as the public...”
So what? That doesn’t mean that OSHA has any jurisdiction, or interest in, regulating public facilities. They ONLY regulate facilities for the employees.
The fact that some employers choose to make facilities serve double duty for both the public and employees does not magically change OSHA into an organization that regulates public facilities. Your argument is ludicrous and wrong.
You’ve also ignored the other point I made, which is that even if these OSHA regulations did apply to public facilities (which they do not), they don’t stipulate anything relating to what you were talking about. So even if you weren’t wrong on this point (you are), your point would still mean absolutely nothing, in context.