Neurons send messages electrochemically. This means that chemicals cause an electrical signal. Chemicals in the body are "electrically-charged" -- when they have an electrical charge, they are called ions. The important ions in the nervous system are sodium and potassium (both have 1 positive charge, +), calcium (has 2 positive charges, ++) and chloride (has a negative charge, -).
ACTION POTENTIAL: Reversal of RMP for a very short period on applying a stimulus. Value: + 30 to + 60 mV. It consists of 4 stages, namely:
a) Depolarization: Usually RMP = - 85 mV. When an impulse comes, polarization gets reversed, i.e., inside (+ve) and outside (-ve). This is known as depolarization. It rises sharply when RMP attains 70 mV. It is also known as spike potential.
b) Repolarization: The restoration of normal RMP within a short time (1/2 of a msec). It starts fast but becomes slower and takes a longer period to reach the normal state. c) Negative after potential: Also known as After depolarization (AD). The slower and longer period taken to reach normal RMP (2 15 msec).
d) Positive after potential: Also known as After hyperpolarization (AH). Even after AD, the membrane potential becomes even more ve than the normal (- 85 mV) and remains ve for about 50 msec or longer.
You need to understand both transmission within a neuron and across the synaptic cleft.
Drugs like Prozac and Sarafem are an antidepressant of the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) type and work in the synaptic cleft by blocking the re-uptake of neurotransmitters, resulting in a blocked transmission.
Most people don’t realize that they knock off the lows and the highs. In my prayer studies, it was much more difficult for people on antidepressants to pray effectively.
The sodium - potassium pump and water is the the 3-legged stool for all cellular functions. Yet the 12-cell salts and 15 tissue salts (and water) is a more complete picture of the holistic human organism. A balanced diet gets you these fairly easily if you take the time to ensure diversity and balance.
I was stalling until someone who actually knows what they are talking about joined the thread.
I will now defer all technical questions to you.