Anorexia is deadly serious and not to be joked about.
I know this from past experience.
There are all kinds of digestive disorders that cause a person to have the look of an anorexic. Celiac’s, crohn’s, I’ve a friend with both, and she is skeletal. Lucky to weigh 90 lbs.
Gastroparesis SLOW MOTILITY is another. You are either puking or have diarrhea or both. Your meals may all be done in a blender, as fiber or fat is out. Bland is how you eat, very small meals. And not the 6 they tell you to eat.
Last night’s supper at 3pm was half a baked potato. With a fresh fruit smoothy with no SOY or dairy about 7 pm. Intestinal pain never ceases.
bezor It’s gross but this is what can happen with GP.