And yet you have even less on which to base your opinion. At least I have a stack of polls taken over a period of months by numerous different polling groups that all say the same thing. You have nothing other than your "feeling" that the polls are wrong.
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Benjamin Disraeli
This far out, polls for the general mean less than nothing. Carter was beating Reagan for months, but look who won. LOL
Unlike you, I have seen Hillary "debate" ( her way !) Rick Lazio and destroy him, during the run for the N.Y. Senate seat. Lazio was youngish, a far better debater than Cruz is, but he too used lawyerly methods. Unlike Cruz, he could and did think on his feet, but she still destroyed him!
When Hillary slightly went after Trump, he shut her up with one short sentence! He knows exactly how and with what to get to her, shut her up, and bring her down. He knows all about her, which gives him a leg up and he does VERY well talking off the cuff.
None of these polls with Hillary V Trump or any other GOP candidate never give details of where and whom they call; there aren't ever any breakdowns. So they and YOU are basing their findings on worthless info.