Funny how the LGBT community invented terms to skirt around the word and associations regarding sex.
For example, we used to call these people “HomoSEXual”.
They didn't like the sexual association so they changed it to “Gay”, there, that sounds a whole lot better right?
Then, the LGBT community created the term “Straight” instead of the old term, “Normal”. Well, we can't use the word “Normal” anymore because that implies some kind of “Abnormal” behavior on their part.
Then the LGBT community created the term “Homophobe” to be used as a term like “Racist”. This term is solely designed to shut down the open discussion about Gay sex and put the heterosexual on the defensive. Well, it is not “deviant” to be Gay but now it is “Homophobic” if we differ with their opinions and lifestyles.
Terminology, like PC is key to their war on traditional values. The tables have been reversed.
The “Straight” community is the new abnormal, deviant and oh, so closed minded.
This has been the LGBT’s main success, redefining terms and putting those that disagree with them on the defensive. Very clever actually.
This has been the LGBTs main success, redefining terms and putting those that disagree with them on the defensive. Very clever actually.
Yes, very devious lesbians.
PC is key to their war on traditional values.
I don't do any of that PC crap. I call a spade a spade and I call lesbians what they are: Abnormal queers.