What the freak is a gypsy anyway? Never really understood where they come from and who they are. Woody Allen would sometimes have a funny flash in one of his movies of a family of gypsies hiding in a bank vault.
Gypsies are a group that originate from North India and stay very mobile, never settling in one place. They are known as Romani (or Roma) in Europe, where they have lived for many centuries.
> What the freak is a gypsy anyway? Never really understood where they come from and who they are. Woody Allen would sometimes have a funny flash in one of his movies of a family of gypsies hiding in a bank vault.
Modern gypsies do exist. They’re basically members of families who are professional grifters that operate plumbing, roofing, paving, etc...companies that take your money and don’t do the work at all or provide piss poor quality work and overbill the crap out of you for it. Some also have psychic / tarot card reading establishments set up too. Many of these families were originally from Romania and look like Hispanics so they often set up fake identies in very common Hispanic names like George Ortega, Juan Garza or Jose Rodriguez. I have worked on some that have lighter skin that used very common names like Miller and Williams.
Avoid them like the plague.
Because Europeans were unfamiliar with them, didn't understand who they were nor where they came from, they guess that they had come from EGYPT, which evolved in the word "gypsy".
Hitler killed off quite a lot of them.
The Romani/Roma should NOT be confused with the Irish "Tinkers", who also claim to be gypsies. There are pockets of them all over Europe and the USA.
> What the freak is a gypsy anyway? Never really understood where they come from and who they are.
Gypsies are from Northern India. For around a century centered on 1330AD the Muslims warred on India and took several million Hindus to sell as slaves in Europe. The majority of them perished in the Hindu Kush Mountains (Afghanistan) from exposure and cold. Hindu Kush means Hindu slaughter. The ones that made it to Eastern Europe eventually became called Gypsies, because they were though to have come from Egypt.