Have you noticed at press conferences and rallies Trump is quick to praise others and let everyone know how much he thinks of the folks working for him? It isn’t about his own ego ratification. He takes pride in solid accomplishments- e.g. Building buildings and a great business around them
I'm not talking necessarily about America - I'm talking at a smaller level, starting with the self, then family, friends, your business. In the US, especially those of us who happen to be traditionally American, but it's true in all western civilization now, the PC crap encourages you to be weak and let anyone walk into your garden and piss on it, because after all you have no right to any garden, 'you didn't build that', or you stole it from someone etc. It's a very abusive mentality, and especially white western civilization has adopted it.
I don't think most here have, although I think all of us feel it trying to seep in, apologies are demanded of us 3 times a day, if not for something we did, someone someone else who looks like us did, or anyone who is successful. So they want us to have no tigers around our garden. The purpose for that is of course so they can take it, or pee in it, or wreck it just because they resent it.
Trump will have none of that - at a personal, family, business, community level. If you're one of the trespassers - just a trespasser in general - one who doesn't understand boundaries either personal or physical, then you would naturally find Trump to be a boorish pig, violent and angry. Because you'll only see the tigers ... probably because you tried to wander into the garden. If you see a man who's toiled to build something - then you see the tigers as practical, and you like to see them because it's a reminder that you weren't wrong to find the stench of the pressure to apologize all the time noxious. The class that hates Trump is the class that doesn't build anything.
And of course they never point out that, yes, Trump had a start to build his fortune. But ... he didn't have to work a day in his life if he didn't want to, once he had his father off his back - he could have been a trust funder.
The point is that I wonder if there are just people who are never going to see how he treats the people around him, his positivity, will to improve or build things ... because they won't or cant't build anything or improve anything. Maybe they sense no garden in their lives and therefore don't understand what it is Trump guards.
He'll turn into anything if you mess with him, which is how a man should be, so long as what he guards is rightfully his or his to defend, his territory. That territory includes your family and community and the people in your business for businessmen not only in it for the money.
I think he's actually just ... a good guy with some eccentricities, most of which are byproducts of the things that would make him successful as a president.
So I think he pretty much starts with liking people, and then so long as you don't look to take or invade what he cares about, none of which appears to me to be ill gotten or nefarious, then you pay for it.
That doesn't make you a negative person. Without that ... you only have what America is becoming ... a mediocre ... essentially country wide occupy wall street slum. To be angry about it is the natural expression of the tigers. but 'they' will call it 'hateful anger.' That's for defending your garden.