1. So illegal immigration? But he’s pro amnesty.
2. Reign in federal spending? He refuses to touch entitlements and his programs have been estimated to cost 10 TRILLION dollars. Yes. That number was addressed to him at 2 different debates and he didn’t refute.
3. Reduce taxes? I thought he was raising taxes. I’ve heard him say that. Did he change his mind? Serious question.
4. Protect veterans? How? Again, serious question. I can’t find his plan on this.
5. Protect the 2nd amendment? Does that mean he changed his opinion on the assault weapon ban and more stringent gun control laws? Serious question.
All of these issues are issue that Trump ALWAYS advocates in his appearances. Most of them, including taxes, are outlined on his site. You clearly don't believe what he's saying or advocating and are making up your own spin based on out of context or very old statements made when he was in no position to make or legislate policy.