Remember folks, prayers for greeneyes and post pictures.
Formerly frozen ground was soft enough for me to turn soil in the planting beds today.
Feeling Springish. Thanks for the thread!
Just FYI: I have tried these Miracle-Gro fertilizer spikes on small, fruit trees. They seem to work well.
Put up some herbs in those little compacted peat pods that you can buy at Home Depot. Again, the problem of how to re-pot them once they achieve leaf status. My new home has tough clay soil and I may do another year of herbs in pots.
Thx for the ping. Prayers for Greeneyes, and all my gardening FR’s.
My cucuzza seeds from my saved cucuzza have all germinated, so I am thrilled. One plant goes a long way, so I am gonna have lotsa “gagoots” this year with six vines.
If anyone wants to try growing cucuzza, and wants some seeds, FReepmail me your mailing Addy, and I will oblige w/ some seeds, at least until I run out of seeds.
If you are unfamiliar with cucuzza:
Prayers up for Greeneyes.
I have some daffodils blooming, along with Magnolia hybrids and Camellias. I am waiting for the annuals to sprout in the gravel driveway (crabgrass, etc.) I did have one dandelion bloom about a month ago. :)
Sorry to hear you are suffering from that gastrointestinal distress. My beloved had a long time intestinal problem... turns out it was diverticulitis. Have you been assessed for that yet?
Prayers up for you!
Rain, rain and more rain. May end up being the wettest Feb. into March in 70 years. I’m in the woods and have had the forth wind storm hit...which means fir branches everywhere. Almost impossible to get out and do anything. Did plant some spinach and lettuce seeds. But, I think they drowned.
My relative in Kansas keeps telling me about the 70 degree days. Leave it to a relative to depress me. I need SUN!
Thanks for pinging the list; I totally forgot to do this this morning before work, then had to stay overtime. Need more sleep, and less work, or I’ll even forget my name.
Unbelievable Spring here, with temps into the 70s. Last vestiges of snow disappeared a week ago. Even got some tilling done, and peas planted.
Praying for Greeneyes.
The green salad that I planted in the cold frame is up and looking good. I transplanted half of it into the soil in the cold frame and stuck the rest of it in the ground out in my garden. The weather has been quite warm for the last week, but the seeds that I planted in the ground last weekend haven't done anything yet.
I raked out last season's canes and the winter accumulation of oak leaves from my asparagus bed. Fired the lawn mower up and shredded the heap of refuse. I didn't notice any new growth, but if this nice weather continues it won't be long before it starts.
Spent a good part of yesterday cleaning up winter mess. I hosed the gunk off of my truck and found that it does indeed have paint on the bodywork. I hosed off the patio and found that there is, in fact, concrete under all of the chicken poo and road slime. Cleaned out the chicken water tanks and put the heaters away. I used Nanner to pick the lawn mower up and set it on jack stands so I can get underneath to service the blades.
Mrs. Augie sold the Tennessee Walking Horse that we rescued a few years back to a guy from Arkansas. We met him at the wallymarts in Lebanon Saturday to make the exchange.
Rooster got a girlfriend.
This weekend, I did a bit more tilling, and also planted some carrots & turnips.
The big surprise was finding 70 garlics that I lost last year due to drowning & pelting hail. They’re 3-5” tall, and looking good, just like they they did last year before Mother Nature seemingly murdered them.