John Fund has appeared to me for years to be a faggot in denial
Michelle Fields ever lovely has a habit of accusing men of being bad and her the girl being a victim of a man
And her very very anti Trump boyfriend.......Jamie Whinespleen
The establishment including National Review and Fox News and the Cruz campaign will stop at nothing in their aim to thwart Trump and deny his supporters ....nothing
I just watched jackass Cavuto with a Washington Examiner chick and this nerdy gay acting Red Alert PC conservative concern trolling over nationalist authoritarian Trump
Millenial conservatives are scary indoctrinated by political correctness
Nationalism is bad
Islam mostly good
Illegal Mexicans ditto
We lost that war with young brainwashed under 30s
I am very concerned with the mindset of the Millennials. I have three, and we can no longer speak about anything political. They were fine until around the time Obama appeared and now seem to be zombies just following the crowd. Makes me sad and sick.