This election is about a lot of things, the immigration issue is just one, though a hot one.
But “the establishment” is all about their donors, not their strategy.
The establishment is out of touch at many levels; I don’t think there are any long term thinkers there.
Nobody in the Republican or conservative establishment is even trying to court the Hispanic vote. They have zero outreach, zero propaganda and marketing, zero communication into that community. They simply aren’t even trying to court them. And for that matter the Asian vote also.
That there are Hispanic and Asian Republicans is purely an individual, accidental phenomenon.
The GOP is indeed courting the Hispanic vote and the Catholic vote... Jeb and Rubio and Cruz and Katich, all are appealing to that group. It is the election issue 'Open Borders', the GOP way.
I just heard the Latinos are demonstrating in Madison WI today... Think Pappy Francis is not trying to play religious politics in this election?