I agree it was totally crass and stupid to repeat it. The fact a woman was saying it in a national televised political forum indicates something very wrong with our culture. I guess that is why we have a vulgar African-American twerker running the half-time show at the Super Bowl. VULGAR SELLS. Women used to be venerated when they acted as though they deserved it. Now women expect they can act just as ill-bruted as men and still get treated respectfully. I think the feminist movement set us way back instead of moving us forward. Women that aren’t moved to find humor in Trump’s antics will surely be turned off by his crude, rude manners. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. I wonder if his wife internally cringes when he opens his mouth. With each new day I find myself asking what will come out of the human gumball machine today.
I feel an attack of the vapors coming on.