I prefer applying the tax code as it is written and not having to pay a penny to the IRS in ‘income tax’ each year. Yes, we apply out heavy highway use taxes, we pay our annual Uniform Carrier Registration fee to the IRS every year, and we pay our fuel taxes every quarter, however, the nature of our business being such that it does not partake in federally connected privileged activities, the money we make from our business is not subject to the 16th Amendment income excise tax. So I prefer all these ignorant politicians leave things alone and learn the truth of the 16th Amendment ‘income excise tax’ and then apply it to any legislation they may propose, because after all, even the Obamacare penalty pertains only to those subject to the income excise tax, and that is why it will fail under its own weight as the American citizenry awakens and begins to restore the 16th Amendment by applying the 16th Amendment as it had been done before the American citizenry got so caught up in themselves, they forgot that ignorance of the law is no excuse and more often than not, that ignorance comes at a very high price.
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie— deliberate, contrived and dishonest— but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”
-John F. Kennedy