“Cruz does not have a cult following.........”
You have an exodus from FR because the owner says he would vote for another candidate if he was the nominee - but prefers Cruz.
And where they went, they are calling Trump the anti-Christ.
It’s either cult-like or coincidence that many of his followers are mentally unstable.
I just explained the difference....apparently you don’t understand how Cults and their followers operate or you wouldn’t have used the example you did.......which is not how Cults operate.
Whatever reasons some Cruz supporters left FR has nothing whatsoever to do with them being cultists as you’ve indicated. Especially when attempting to paint them all the same with a broad brush.
As for the site they are gathering at....after checking.... it appears they’re intent is to have a place to share their frustrations, and venting those without the Trumpsters mocking them for the most part.
Look... people are going to do whatever they choose to do....if they want to gather among themselves independent of the Trumpsters then they’re free to do so. And I would hope when the Primary is over they might return, if not before.