Not on the substance, but on the principle of "who says the mediots are the gatekeepers?"
Who is Megyn Kelly to "Change the Race" as she tweeted earlier this week? Who is Fox News, or any of the other mediots to have any direct effect on the outcome? Why do we as citizens and voters allow this incestuous cabal of libtards decide who is an acceptable candidate, what is an acceptable position on immigration, taxes, welfare, race, etc., etc., etc.. They were trying to ambush Trump with the muslim broad, an illegal, and some other democRAT, and he's expected to just show up and take it?
If Trump wins... fine. If Trump loses...fine. Let him sink or swim based on the merits of his argument. I am thinking further down the road, than just these primaries, but for the general election, and even further down the road for future elections.
If Trump can slay the dragon of the leftard mediots dictating the terms of the debate (format, subjects, and rules), then the public and the nation as a whole will be the better served. Let them be reporters, observers, not the drivers of the agenda as they are now.
That's my problem overall with this whole fiasco. In a sane world, Trump would have never gotten off the ground. But he's gained traction, and I would suggest unstoppable momentum exactly because he's willing to go where others fear to tread. Namely, challenging the supremacy of the mediots.
To get back on Kelly for a moment, if she was so smart why isn't she practicing law, instead of being a "personality". On the same side of that it also applies to Ann Coulter.
So I'm kind of enjoying watching Trump do the things he's doing and watching to see how it plays out.
I'm going to assume that you're a Cruz guy, which is fine. I like Cruz too. Imagine what Cruz can do if he follows the Trump playbook in dealing with the mediots in the general election.
If Trump can move forward without going through the media gatekeepers, or in spite of them, imagine how that changes the rules for the next election. Granted, the mediots will make more of an effort in the coming years to consolidate their power to prevent what Trump has done, from happening to them again. On the other side of that is, what if they can't.
Just some things to think about.
Agree 100%