The west is being intentionally flooded with the world’s inbreds, mental defectives, and homicidal criminal sociopaths. That’s the non-candy coated version.
And for anyone interested my mentioning of Cuban refugees goes no further than this..
The Cubans were welcomed but
". . . during the 1980 Mariel boat lift, the U.S. also handled the arrival of some 135,000 Cuban refugees efficiently and promptly. But this time, the government had to differentiate between well-meaning Cuban refugees seeking freedom, and the 7,000 delinquents and common criminals whom Fidel Castro decided to release from Cuban jails. Could a similar situation be happening as thousands of refugees descend upon European cities?"
A Cuban Refugee Identifies With Europe's Young Migrants
Rational and honest Muslim refugees should welcome the acknowledgement that consanguinity in their culture is a problem. And they do not want to see it here.