“That same night, my father took me aside and confided that before his marriage he had an affair with a man but got psychological help and was ‘cured.’”
But just prior to that he says he has no proof?!?
This guy is quite the genius.
The issue should be left with God. It shouldn’t be used to burden her. There might have been more situations like this than we knew, with a bad habit that was kept curbed by effort of will. And now our modern “gay movement” comes along and shouts “Cheer who you are!” (As long as that isn’t some kind of devout Christian, I guess.)
The devil has his own riff on the Christian promise of permanent salvation. He taunts permanent damnation. It’s so often taken as an excuse when it isn’t even TRUE.
What I’m sure he means is, he doesn’t have pictures to show mom.
Homos tend to imagine all sorts of things that never happened.