There is a push underway in the electric industry know as CIP5. It is a cyber-security initiative run by NERC. The final deadline to be compliant is only a couple months away (most companies are trying to “go live” by end of Feb. so they can shake down their systems and migrate away from the CIP3 regulations —overhead—). Some companies have been installing these things as linesmen are visiting certain poles, other designated areas not so heavily visited are most likely now being scheduled and a heavy rollout is underway. Non-compliance carries with it very steep fines.
Judging by the camera’s being labeled with the wi-fi vlan IP address (dumb idea BTW) and the SCADA marking’s on teh exterior of the secured boxes, these guys basically just messed with the electric grid in an albeit non-intrusive way.
It’s SCADA communications monitoring a nearby switchyard.
Those people in the video are really ignorant.
First thing I noticed was the SCADA marking...that’s like a flashing neon sign to those familiar with it. You’re right, the second scene was obviously a substation. The first cameras they took came off a pole with 3 or 4 transformers. I have no idea what for...but obviously some sort of nearby equipment is being powered.
They screwed up.
I had some exchanges with an Obama Agi-Prop Op on Twitter, stirring over the Burns, OR mess.
In the conversation he told me he knew the area, was from there but lived in FL now. Had done software development for BLM in the Burns area.
Did a little search on his time line and found he was throwing crap at Governor Snyder.
I did a search on his name and (exact place in) FL and IT development and found a listing for a company furnishing “highest levels of mobile cybersecurity on personal devices”.
He did not like me looking around and blocked me quickly.
Now, what type of software development would the BLM be doing in Burns, OR?