IMHO, this “hero”” is looking for a meal ticket. He’ll just have to survive on his MOH pension and other benefits-— and maybe, just maybe, by actually getting and holding a job.
You know, House Atreides, when you finally get off your lazy butt and get a job then you can criticize someone else.
Props to Dakota for his military heroism. Having performed heroically in a military action is, however, no guarantee that a person will behave honorably in other situations. He may well have some financial, behavioral and drinking problems and he has filed lawsuits against others for monetary gain (settlements). Filing lawsuits doesn’t make you a bad person, necessarily, but a pattern of them may raise a red flag, IMHO. I won’t be discussing any of this further here.
He didn’t file that lawsuit for military gain.
He filed it to call public attention to the fact that his employer was arming the Islamists. They had fired him for bringing that to public light.
Once again the ethics and morality that Dakota Meyer has displayed if far above his little maggot detractor. Jealous people always try to invent some reason a good deed is really self serving. Even when that deed has come at personal sacrifice.
Or you didn’t bother to read any of the information about the lawsuit at all before you tried to throw it out as a defense for making your previous spurious statement.