Thank you, Mayor. With the enviro-nazis insisting the water go to the fish, we can only pray that farmers will get their share. At least with these recent rains, farmers are not having to run their pumps.
Thank you for being here with ODB every morning. I love seeing your post when I fire up my computer every day. It is a wonderful way to start the day.
I’m also happy that this is a place all can come to get away from the election mess. It has been getting so nasty. Praying we can all come together whenever this primary season if over.
Thanks! I avoid many threads, just to much nasty vindictive posts.
Hopefully soon things will calm down and we can focus on defeating Hillary, the real opposition.
Good Morning Amy...
Yes, this is a very safe and restful place, and when I grow weary, I find this a healing balm.
Should just stay here and leave the threads alone on the other side of the fence.
Hope your doing well...