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To: rickmichaels

Not long ago, the Mayor demanded copies of the sermons from the local Pastors and demanded they stop any teachings about homosexuality. When the Justice department told them she couldn’t do that, her leadership has looked for another angle to suppress the Pastors and Christians. So she has aligned herself with Islam. Crazy homosexuals and Crazy Muslims, a combination for Homo-Jihadists

19 posted on 11/28/2015 7:40:18 AM PST by realcleanguy
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To: realcleanguy
......the lesbian Mayor demanded copies of the local Pastors sermons.....demanding they stop any teachings about homosexuality. When the Justice department told them she couldnt do that, the Mayor has looked for another angle to suppress the Pastors and Christians. ....


Strengthen and enact state RICO laws to nail greedy criminal govt officials.


BACKSTORY The 1980 Georgia General Assembly was concerned about the increasing sophistication of various criminal elements on the public payroll (and those in elective and appointive office). The Georgia General Assembly then adopted the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), patterned after a similar federal law.

(RICO is routinely used to try to prove that a legal business was being used for illegal means, and, in at its inception, RICO was used to prosecute drug traffickers or organized crime members).

In recent years prosecutors have applied RICO to crooked government officials: (1) those accused of using their public offices for personal gain, and, (2) tax-paid officials of govt agencies using public monies to flout the law.

To bring a case under Georgias RICO law, there must be at least two underlying felonies such as fraud, bribery, witness tampering (among other felonies).

RICO allows prosecutors to include multiple defendants charged with various crimes in the blanket indictment, and to charge that govt employees, publicy-funded and publicly-sanctioned entities were allegedly part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

EXAMPLE A govt official commits two felonies by (1) accepting, and, (2) filing falsified documents.

UPDATE Georgia tried convicted and jailed 27 corrupt teachers under this law.....for falsely taking public money, falsifying official school records, and so on.


HERE'S THE PATHWAY TO LAUNCH---Texas took the lead w/ 26 state AG's, successfully arguing that Obama's beatified DACA/DAPA's were made more desirable employees than US citizens.


Any public official using tax dollars to flout that law is a lawbreaker: in cases where govt officials on the public payroll not giving public notice is a violation at the federal level of the 1946 Administrative Procedure Act, which requires notice in the Federal Register. Laws demand that taxpayers have the opportunity to submit views in writing.


NOTE If proof is established that RICOed criminal public officials impaired the commercial and economic activity of the region, that could also be prosecutable under the Hobbs Act.


PRIME RICO TARGETS John Boehner and his Congressional buddies are complicit in the massive fraud, waste, and criminal use of tax dollars......and the flagrant abuse of taxpayers. They could have reeled in arrogant govt agencies conducting criminal activities (DHS, EPA, IRS, BLM, HUD, DOE and DOL). They could have defunded the criminal enterprise called "Obamacare" and the Planned Parenthood parasites living the high life w/ our tax-dollars....but to taxpayers' eternal disgust....they didn't.

Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch labeling taxpayers terrorists, Bill and Hillary Clinton imperiling taxpayers' ntl security, Lois Lerner and John Koskinen targeting taxpayers, all the criminal members of Congress, and other factotums on the govt payroll should come under RICO.


Some states now have RICO laws on the books---these laws need to be updated to make sure govt employees are targeted.

23 posted on 11/28/2015 7:52:36 AM PST by Liz (SAFE PLACE? A liberal's mind. Nothing's there. Nothing can penetrate it.)
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