Having said that in addition to Scanner I think Radio Free Albemuth is probably the closest and that wasn't one high up on my reread list.
My first exposure was a copy of Counter Clock World I picked up in a junk shop for a nickle. Was always keen on SF but just hadn't run into PKD before. I've been hooked ever since.
I think reading his stuff is what soured me on pretty much all other sci-fi. The last novels I read (1984-ish) was "Ringworld" and "Ringword Engineers", plus a few Star Trek novels (those were pretty awful, btw), and come to think of it, shortly thereafter, a couple of "Thieves' World", or maybe it was just one (those are or were short story collections by multiple authors). In the 1970s I was mostly reading sword and sorcery (into which category I'd include The Hobbit and LOTR, much to the dismay of many I'm sure; and a couple of other things marketed as trilogies, ER Eddison who was better at coming up with the book titles than actually writing the books, and Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast, which I never finished because it was so unforgivingly homogeneous), plus a little old-line sci-fi (ER Burroughs, Foundation trilogy, other Asimov short story collections; AE Van Vogt; Vonnegut, although he's not very sci-fi, is he?) followed by a Heavy Metal subscription, some Theodore Sturgeon, some PJ Farmer (himself a huge Burroughs fan), hmm, that's probably it.