“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.”
Mark Levin = cuckservative
It’s curious how often I agree with Levin.
Levin should have left the Republican party when he said he would, instead of sticking around to work interference for amnesty/TPP loser Ben Carson and the other freaks.
I dont.
When he issues a “warning” to Hillary and the left that has some real teeth, then feel free to chastise GOP candidates for *GASP* actually being candidates.
So sick of this neo-wimpiness that conservatives have embraced after years of bitching about how the GOPe never “took the gloves off”.
Someone is going to get the nomination - and it isn’t going to be Carson. If it is, we are all in trouble. I don’t like the smearing of Carson by freepers or the media but nothing The Donald has said is untrue even though he says it in a way that would make ladies at a garden club faint. If Rubio is lying about Cruz, that is different. But politics sure ain’t beanbag and to get to the top one must play rough.
I like Mark but he also seems to despise the south - where most of his listeners are from, no doubt. He’s entitled to his opinion and can support whoever he wants. It may turn out to be Romney. After all, Romney never plays rough. At least with Democrats.
Yeah. Lets concentrate on the real problem RINOs (like Rubio and Yebbie) and the real enemies....her Royal Heinous and Bernie the Red
“Ben Carson, who’s one of the most decent men you could possibly know. And I only know him from the public airwaves”
Ridiculous. The Great One is slipping.
Sounds like Mark’s a bit full of himself.
Why is Carson all of the sudden the golden child who should be handled with kid gloves?? There are going to be media and world leaders speaking ill about him everyday if (snort) he becomes POTUS. I have to disagree w Levin. Let’s stop feeling the need to hold back or apologize. That’s half the reason we are in this mess.
I have a problem with candidates spreading lies.
I do not have a problem with candidates spreading truth.
Yeah. That works.
More tough talk from a man who never quite lets go of the GOP umbilical cord no matter how much they ignore or belittle him.
Mr. niteowl77
Trump is certainly shaking in his boots over what Levin thinks. /s off
Maybe Levin has forgotten what defeating the political enemy looks like.
Go Trump!
Nothing Trump said was incorrect or made up, yes it was pretty vicious but he was just pointing out how odd it is that someone running for president would so vocally trumpet this violent past which was not normal! The way Carson is handling it is very odd to me.
Troubled teens getting into fights, stealing or doing property damage is bad and most people grow out of these things and are good people. But this guy tried to kill his own mother and he seems to wear it as some sort of victim badge of honor along with the other incidents.
I commend him and think he’s a good person today, but maybe when we choose a president we should avoid people with such a scary past, no matter how well adjusted they are today.
I thought Trump claimed he was only a counter-puncher. What did Carson do or say to justify the personal attacks by Trump other than threaten his standing in the polls?