OH Bender one of your co stars just died
I think she is last of John Wayne co stars right???
OHH SI reporting that San Diego Chargers come to SO CAL probably in January 2016
Aye, I know Bendy... right down to his chrome plated soul--
Over the years I've protected... his shiny metal arse more times than I care to recall--
That... she has!
Well, now! Bring me a kiss and a cold brew... before I shoot your rusty innards out--
Coming, but you know, Maureen, Dearest... you must come in your Halloween costume.
If you insist, Bendy... but why the nun?
She's there... in case the Bishop drops in and the Duff Gals are busy--
Damn you, Bendy-- You rogue-- You know you are... just what I want in a man even if you are made of tin!
Bendy, if the Bishop doesn't drop in... can I have the nun?