To: dayglored; al baby; Albion Wilde; Allegra; BufordP; EveningStar; Gefn; GunsareOK; JRios1968; ...
So now people WILL actually buy it for the articles.
134 posted on
10/13/2015 6:45:30 PM PDT by
Tolerance Sucks Rocks
(Democrats and GOP-e: a difference of degree, not philosophy)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
I have to wonder what their advertisers will do?
137 posted on
10/13/2015 6:49:51 PM PDT by
("Never, Never, Never, Give Up," Winston Churchill ><>)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks; al baby; Albion Wilde; Allegra; BufordP; EveningStar; Gefn; GunsareOK; ...
“So now people WILL actually buy it for the articles.”
Playboy has actual articles?
What kind?
145 posted on
10/14/2015 8:27:12 AM PDT by
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