Numerous times, while talking with liberals regarding concealed or open carry, the liberal, almost without exception, talks about the person who chooses to carry as though there is something wrong with that person; that the individual who chooses to carry a firearm must be really scared and in need of some kind of help for having to go through life that way, or some such drivel. Unless I choose to inform that liberal with whom I am speaking with, that I have my .45 on my person, they remain oblivious to that little fact. What they never, never, never understand, is that I, or any of my friends who carry, are not afraid at all, and are actually more situationally aware, and try to avoid *bad* situations all together. More so, I be willing to bet that most of us who carry are not so much worried or feeling a need to protect our own persons, but rather carry in the hopes that if one of these mass shooting events were to unfold in front of us (by a liberal) that perhaps we might be able to put a quick end to it and save lives in the process.
America would be well served with everyone carrying. Somehow the old west managed to survive and thrive doing just that.
Now either they were more mentally advanced and in control of their emotions than modern people or liberals are flat out wrong.
Probably both actually.