Tonight, go look at the sky.
Tomorrow, explain to us how all that fits in a Universe 20,000 light-years wide.
Tomorrow night, go look at the sky again.
Wednesday, explain to us how big the Universe need be to fit all that stuff in it.
Thursday, go look at the Earth.
Friday, explain to us what all this stuff down here has been doing during the time all that stuff up there came to where it is now.
Next week, explain why everything wasn’t willed into existence by God 20 minutes before your explanation, and why Him doing so 10,000 years earlier was. (Hint: the Bible _doesn’t_ say “10,000 years”. It explained, in a couple pages, creation as best it could be understood by a goat-herder - which didn’t include saying it all started 6,000 years prior. Maybe your interpretation of what wasn’t said is wrong?)
[BTW: yes, I _do_ think God created it all - just in a way exceeding what a couple pounds of wet grey cells can comprehend. You don’t know everything; heck, you still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.]
Wonders beyond our understanding.
Amazing, wonderful, fantastic, amazing, ect. ect, ect.
HIS plan, Purpose, and Project.
So, you are asserting that your knowledge and understanding far exceeds that of Moses? You may be confusing your access to Wikipedia and Astronomy magazine as knowledge, understanding and wisdom. It is a common myth of today that we confuse access to information with intelligence.
Starlight and Time by Russell Humphreys.