I like the idea. However, I fear the radical gays will try to infiltrate churches, then go get the civil marriage, and demand the church blessing on the strength of their membership in the church and their legal civil marriage license.
Then it’s on the church to deny them membership in the first place. Church membership is based on the person’s ability and willingness to lead a Bible-based life. Homosexuality disqualifies them from the start.
membership in the church “in good standing” mean following church doctrine, doubtful that sexually active homosexuals will meet the adherence to Biblical doctrine standard based on their lifestyle and professed belief
even now divorced Catholics may be parishioners but they cannot be married in the Church, nor can they marry partners of different faiths
I believe however that there will be churches that sanctify sodomy so there will be denominations and congregations for diverse beliefs, if they will live and let live for those who differ
Let our Maker sort that out