SCOTUS exceeded its authority under the Constitution. Legislative actions are the purview of the Congress. SCOTUS and the federal courts may INTERPRET the law but MAY NOT enact law under the Constitution. As such, SCOTUS has violated its authority under the Constitution and the 6 members who voted this way should be impeached. Otherwise we no longer have a “checks and balances” form of government, but a government of regulations and judges, as the laws mean nothing.
It’s all “otherwise” at this point, my friend. We have government that has no liability under any law because nobody exists to prosecute them under any law. Who is there to prosecute Lois Lerner, for example? Or Hillary Clinton? Bank robbery is illegal, but if there is no entity to enforce the law that would ordinarily try to stop you, shoot you, pursue you, arrest you, book you, hold you under bond, and ultimately select a jury and prosecute you is no longer extant. The cops in Baltimore? The government aka party that is in power when this threshold is crossed never needs to surrender power.