Those of you have never read or watched the video of Yuri Beznekov about the Demoralization of America...should.
We are in the process of it now.
Have felt the same way. Have turned off all radio most of the time. Have no news except internet. I know what I need to know. On FR? I stay away from the drama, read what is useful and know I am not alone. For that is what has been toxic for me, thinking that I am alone...and I am not, by far.
I’ll quit when Jesus does.
See ya’ punk. (You earned that dismissal, quitter, when you couldn’t just go without calling the rest of us pussies.)
Many posts on this thread stirred me to the depths of my soul, the poignant ones quoting Samuel Adams, Cicero, and Churchill, etc.
But, as a Christian and to other Christian FReepers, which, I think I would be accurate in saying are the majority here, I feel compelled to say this. I would suggest that we reexamine the pretrib/post-trib issue, this time without an open mind. It has EVERY thing to do with our mental ability to handle the things that are ahead of us.
Dig into it seek the truth about it, as I did some 40 years ago. Truth is, and I’m not going to get into a big yah, yah back and forth with anybody, none of us are going to get out of what’s ahead of us means of a pre-tribulation rapture.
Jesus set the bar in Matt. 24, he said nothing of a pretrib escape; to the contrary, he said believers must endure to the “end,” verse 13, and when he said “end” he really meant end...through the tribulational signs he described, to the end of the age, verse 29-31. And then the 2nd coming and resurrection.
What this means to me, though hard trials lie ahead, the gathering storm be upon us, we will win in the end. As in Churchill’s famous speech, one word sums it up: victory! Whatever the cost be. Never, never, give up! Persevere in our faith to the end.
To this former pretribber, this revelation changed my life. It has made me much stronger in my faith. It will “man you up,” it will give you the kind of worldview to carry on the fight...which we know we will win! A post-trib apocalyptic worldview.
Alas, poor Codeflier, I hardly knew ye.
Is this your opus?
Enjoy FR.
I will tell you when all is lost, and when to do your opus.
How will I know? When I run out of ammo.
Now, go have a beer and relax. We're not there...yet.
Maybe I’m in the same boat. I’ve pretty much come to the end of my rope. I see the cowardice of our leaders, and the apathy of our citizens, and the vomitous degeneracy of our culture. This isn’t the America I loved and would have gladly given my life for. Not by a longshot. It’s become almost the mirror-opposite of everything it once was. The topic of politics and presidential races seem nothing more than darkly comic to me.
Everything I ever valued or cherished about this country is now spit upon. I’ve gradually gotten to the point where I don’t feel any connection or any sense of loyalty to the country as it currently exists. It’s like an ugly, foreign land to me. And I think the final breaking point for me will be next week when the SC imposes homo-marriage onto the country. It’s the symbol for me that America has finally embraced evil.
Thank you for being here. Means a lot that you are attached enough to talk, instead of disappearing.
I understand completely your sentiments, but I encourage you to realize these are the tough times everyone has always talked about where you need to gut it up and stay the course. Just like a soldier in battle you can never ever...ever quit.
Take a break then fight on.
America's 'enemies within' are hoping that your sentiments will grow and spread to the point that most, if not all, of us will give up hope and just stop trying to thwart them. They love to see their policies and actions result in a defeatist attitude among us, their opposition. They want us to give up and give in.
To that I say...not just no, but HELL NO. They can hold their breath for that to occur....and I so hope that they do.
Now, on a lighter note.....
As a relative newcomer here, I gotta say, as if I wasn’t bumbed-out enough already, now I’m really depressed after reading this thread. I’m gonna drown myself in a couple of hours of sudoku.
I’m thinking the United States has its best years still in front of it.
Thanks for all the good years FR community!
I understand the feeling...but I hope you’ll be back since FReeping is somewhat addicting and perhaps you just need some time to charge your batteries.
That being said, I believe that Free Republic is no place for Defeatists.
Yeah, you're right, and getting your family ready is great.
But there's one important fact that you're forgetting. Beyond the Constitution failing like it did in 1860, beyond the "United States of America" brand name that was bought out some time ago, beyond politicians and beyond systems and games, YOU LIVE HERE.
And let me tell you something, you have nowhere to go.
Do you think the Italians are going to welcome you? The Australians? The Canadians? Chinese? Russians? Costa Ricans? When you get there, you'll see, that they are all just subsidiaries of our great global brand name, the best global brand name there is. You know whose elections they follow most? Ours. And worse, you won't belong there. You'll stick out like a sore thumb. No matter how welcoming they are to begin with, you will never stop being a foreigner there, an outlander, and your descendants will share the same stigma.
So buck up, kiddo, and accept the fact that we're all in this together. Elections may not matter, but words do matter. Truth matters. And the truth is that you're a man tied to a piece of earth, and tied to a bunch of people you may not like. And if you try to do it all on your own, you're going to fail.
My best to you, Sir. I feel the same way, but have prayer in my stead.
The Good:
This thread has inspired some excellent posts. I encourage everyone to read through this thread, there is some good stuff here, both serious and humorous, both agreeing with the OP and critical of him.
The Bad:
You decision not to vote. You should always vote. Don’t like the 2 main choices? Vote 3rd party. But don’t let the communists take away your vote.
The Ugly:
“All the big talkers will eventually give up their first and second amendment rights with hardly a whimper.” That’s an extremely ugly thing to say. Speak for yourself; don’t lump the rest of us into some imaginary category of defeat, despair and dishonor. I’m not in that category and you do NOT speak for me.
They win only when you give up. But not until.