As my high school civics teacher used to tell us, five plus decades ago: "politics is the art of the possible."
As much as I would love to see a return to the original meaning of the 2A, the best I think we are ever going to get in my lifetime is the appointment of 1 or 2 conservative Supremes. This and a conservative congress may get us to semi-auto rifles and pistols with normal capacity magazines and shall-issue CCW being available throughout the country.
Even if Trump is wishy-washy on the 2A right now, he has room to learn. He is constitutionally qualified to be President, and he can learn the real meanings of history and the founding in a short time.
He is flamboyant, likable, and rich enough to self-finance a serious campaign. He is also media-savvy, which we are going to need to beat Hillary. We could do a lot worse in our nomination. While I like Walker and Cruz more than Trump, on an idealogical basis, Trump has the huge advantage of being wealthy enough and connected enough to take retribution on any members of the media who try to undercut him though skullduggery.
Think Candy Crowley and the 2012 debate, where she essentially lied as the clock ran out to throw public opinion to Obama, when Romney was actually correct on the issue at hand. While she could do that to Mitt, I don't think anyone would have the courage to pull an underhanded trick like that on Trump. Her personal finances would be in the crapper for the rest of her life and every peccadillo in her past would be magnified and broadcast to the entire world.
Best of all, Trump is an unabashed capitalist who can get our economy moving again.
Imagine a guy who has navigated the corruption of the NY real estate market taking on the task of reforming defense procurement. We would have advanced weaponry on time and under budget. In quantities that would make Putin shake & quiver in his boots. And, he would recognize ISIS as a true threat.