Emoji (絵文字えもじ?, Japanese pronunciation: [emodʑi])
are the ideograms or smileys used in Japanese electronic messages and Web pages, the use of which is spreading outside Japan. Originally meaning pictograph, the word emoji literally means "picture" (e) + "character" (moji). The characters are used much like ASCII emoticons or kaomoji, but a wider range is provided, and the icons are standardized and built into the handsets.
Would've been helpful ..... or is there an intentional momentum to speak newspeak and leave us speakers of English to question either;
you and what you mean .....
or remain silent as we question ourselves ?
fer shure!
Can an absolutely post literate America be far behind?
Rumor has it that Courtney Carbone....is actually a TRANS EMOJI
Are we forbidden posting photos from twitchy?
And people wonder why the USA has lost it’s competitive edge and most college grads have the smarts of a high school student of 20 years ago.