“Fortunately, under TPA they have to make any trade agreement, including TPP, PUBLIC FOR 60 DAYS BEFORE THE CONGRESS CAN VOTE ON IT.”
That is odd, because the Senate has already passed TPP, and Boehner wants the House to pass it this week. Obama will sign it immediately. Senator Sessions has studied the bill and he says it turns the country over to global governance. That is why it is secret; it would cause such an outcry that it would not pass. Cruz and the Republicans are traitors; I don’t care anymore what Cruz says about the Constitution, he is a liar. And, anyone now who still promotes free trade is not dealing with a full deck. Free trade has gutted the country’s manufacturing base. That is why 93 million Americans have no job.
I think you, as a conservative, should know exactly which ideology is causing 93 million Americans to have no job.