“Obummers father was never a US citizen. That sets a judicial precedence”
The Constitution is not amended by judicial precedence. It takes Congress and the states. The Constitution mandates in the qualification clause for a president that he be 35 years old and a native born citizen. That is the only time the term “native born” occurs in the Constitution. Since every word in the Constitution was carefully weighed, it has significance. When I was in high school, and it was before this ever came up, the answer to the test question was that that meant that both parents had to be citizens at the time of birth. Obviously, by logic, the particular place is not a determining factor.
Of course, I meant “natural born”.
The only truly known parent would be the mother and the US Citizen mother conveys NBC to her child born. The long precedent, before the Constitution in British Common Law the mother did not have be in her country of citizenship when the birth took place to give her child Natural Born Citizenship.
Whether you or I can understand or agree with that is irrelevant.
Until someone “with standing” brings NBC before the Court, the only way any further clarification will occur will be through Congress. Doubtful Congress or SCOTUS will touch it, so we seem to be stuck without anything more than we now have.
In the Founders defense, they being honorable patriotic gentlemen assumed all who would run for and be elected President would also be equally honorable and patriotic.
Another ambiguity that R2 will need to make clear.