Turning it over to a rabid secular world, on the other hand, sometimes is scarcely better.
I don’t know what counseling the victims received. I do know that there are Christian counselors that are trained and credentialed/licensed. Any one of those that were used should have been required to report child abuse to the State.
I have a teacher’s license and also 15 years ago went through Boy Scout/Girl Scout training. If a KID tells you something like that you are by LAW required to report it.
Josh being 14, Arkansas Law treats that age as an ADULT for sex crimes.
I have kids. They are grown now, but when they were little, from the day they were born, there were certain people they were NEVER left alone with. I was a stay-at-home-full-time mommy and what happened to me was one of the reasons why.
I’d never allow my under-aged child to be around Josh alone knowing what had happened. If he did it again, my child would pay the price and that price is a lifetime.
I agree with you that there are some really bad Psychologists out there. One that I had the misfortune of dealing with as a “Custody Evaluator” was awful. He was a BIG supporter of Bill Clinton. Had a HUGE poster-sized pic of him in his office. We were FORCED by the Court to use this guy. He was a LIAR. Excused the abuse of me by my ex that our children witnessed and I filed a complaint with a full 75 page report that I wrote and I got his butt in trouble with the Board of Psychologists. Unfortunately this man is still “protected” by the Court (can’t sue him he has immunity), and on the Court-provided gravy train for Family Court. He’s still ruining lives and writes “reports” based on who pays him.
If the Duggars (and WE DON’T know) got good counselors/licensed by the State and had good Education from a Christian viewpoint. We really don’t have any idea of what was done.
I don’t think it’s fair to young girls at that time, to have to make an adult decision to “forgive” their abuser or to be around/left alone at any time with him. IMHO