Dude, what makes you think I am crying about Brady?
I am concerned about people having action taken against them with no supporting evidence in general.
And not cooperating with an investigation that is trying to run you over implies intelligence, not guilt.
And as I said, by choosing to not turn over his phone, he will have to face the consequence of that from his employer. That’s his choice. I wouldn’t have turned over my phone either. Why would anyone want people going through their phone?
And if you think you can make a case that ball pressure should negatively affect his legacy, you knock yourself out, snowflake, personally, I don’t care.
You're too dense to acknowledge the fact there was an investigation that concluded there was evidence against him. Balls were deflated. Text messages confirm they were deflated intentionally.
Only someone with the IQ of turnip would claim someone withholding evidence isn't hiding something incriminating. It's not rational claim.