“Some of these are wrong, notably Krauthammer.”
You mean Walter Mondale’s 1984 speechwriter?
If Krauthammer had gotten his way President Mondale would have replaced one-term President Reagan.
Funny isn’t it
The Neos.....Bushies back in the day
Don’t command the forum or the bolt here anymore
Neo errors:
Nation building in geography we have not utterly crushed is foolhardy and naive
A total lack of understanding what it means to be anti abortion to your core
Lukewarm appreciation of the second amendment
Approval of amnesty for illegals and even more legal third world immigration(we fought this battle here already....my side won if folks look around )
Politically correct views on race and an unwillingness to accept empirical realities which don’t dovetail with cultural relativism
Wavering on fiscal matters when it suits governments role in a way they approve for ostensibly improving lives
And so forth.....all that describes Neoconservatives.....especially their disdain for social issues
Any notion the founders were Neos is rubbish and nor was Reagan or Goldwater...part Jewish btw
Nor is Levin....although he is a bit of a neoyankee he sure understands culture borders and the fallacy of nation building on a whim ....and he gets Islam as a problem...something Neos gloss over as a rule
This refrain of calling us anti Semites who oppose Neos is no different than race baiting
It’s either just to shut dissent down or in a few peculiar cases....anything remotely associated as being a Jewish shall never be criticized as in the Holocaust Card goes on forever
Many present conservatives were libs at an earlier age. So you want to condemn Krauthammer because he had the good sense to junk most of his liberal beliefs and identify as a conservative?