In the 50's ... if you got punishment in school, you got it again at home
In the 50's, your neighbor, who saw you throw a rock at a window in an abandoned or vacant structure, called your mother and you got it from her ... until your father came home and you got it from him too .... as WELL as more Saturday chores, or no allowance or some other punishment
I remember very little discipline as a child, 'cause the ones I DID get, meant something and the remembrance of that one or two was sufficient to prevent (from my own internal comprehension of things) the three, four, five (etc.) events
My father, who grew up in poverty in a single-parent home, in the Depression, was expected by his public high school to wear a coat and tie to school every day.
Don’t dare ask him if it was “a burden.” Everyone did it, and it instilled self-respect.
Imagine forcing public high school boys today to wear a coat and tie!?!