I come at this from a slightly different approach — Since the 70s and 80s men have been taught to feel bad/guilty about themselves for being taller, faster, stronger etc by the feminist movement (which are all liberal, pro infanticide, and pro lesbian — If you doubt this, just look at what the “feminist” movement does to conservative women) and for the most part they have succeed in making a lot of softer men feel that way about themselves which has left these “pajama boys” very confused about their role as men because any aggressiveness that they used to have is gone. They are living longer with their parents, staying longer in college, and delaying any and most responsibility these pajama boys are so confused about who and what they are and lacking the confidence to pursue a woman — Because confidence is so foreign to them. These boys have no clue what being aggressive means. Girls are left wanting and frustrated.
And this, this is what is leaving women constantly “wanting” more and therefore any man willing show them affection, even negative affection, is a grasp at a long term commitment and these girls/women have been conditioned to “give it up” with hopes of snagging the guy, but because these guys are getting lucky so often and so easily they simply don’t have to commit — These guys that are not pajama boys, they have a name for it, it is called SPORT F’n...
You, sir, have it nailed.
You're exactly right.
I agree with much of what's being said here about females today. It's all true, with the exception being the idea that women are the only ones who get fat. Plenty of men put on a huge belly and a double chin after marrying, too.
But it isn't completely one-sided. Both sexes are screwed up. Women have turned into man-hating harridans, and men have become soft, testosterone-deprived pajama boys.
I feel sorry for decent males AND females looking for a mate these days.