Your smart phone not only keeps track of where you’ve been, in also predicts where you are going to go next.
That first dawned on me when I would go on my phone and connect to the internet on Fridays and up would pop information on Costco, including a map and directions how to get there from where I was. My wife and I only go to Costco on Friday evenings, so that was the first clue. Then I noticed my phone started doing that for other locations as well, So it knows from my habits where I am headed next.
I have a dumb phone. When I accidently hit the “voice” thing (I call her Sorry, not Seri or whatever).
“Sorry didn’t hear anything. Say ‘call mom, order pizza or send Birthday card.”
My mom is dead, the last time I ordered pizza was 6 years ago, and the last birthday card I mailed was to my mom.