If some “Son of Obama” had kicked in the door and attacked the owner, with the same results, we’d all be singing the dog’s praises.
This dog just killed a man. Because the man was trying to help the dog's owner.
I have guns in my house - sometimes in my pocket. If a 'son of obama' (or anyone) broke into my home I wouldn't be afraid to use my gun. But there is no way that I would own a gun that would go off at seemingly random times, in seemingly random directions, for whatever reason, and might kill me or mine. I don't think a sane person would own such a gun. But put fur on it and give it four legs, and some people would own that gun. I am not going to limit your 'right' to own such a weapon, although I don't understand why anyone would want to...I know a man who's grandson was killed by such a weapon...tragedy...senseless...and completely preventable...But that is what this guy has...had...and it went off and killed a good samaritan.