At some point in this development....when it’s some snow and ice out there...your driver-less car will be activated by you and the desire will be a trip into work. The car will get the latest weather report, road status, and measure the temp and situation...then tell you that it is not safe to leave the driveway. If you try to override the car’ll likely send an email to your insurance company, your wife, and your minister about your unsafe decision. Whether you like or not...the car will keep you safe but highly frustrated.
Also consider how accident rates will drop substantially, and car insurance....even for a 18-year-old kid....might be just a hundred bucks a year.
Flying cars will lower road use and potholes. That will save States Billions.
Also consider the relative luxury a dog lives in compared to the wolf.
The wolf is free.
And cops can just send a stop signal instead of chasing. Criminals can do the same.
The govt can close down travel with the push of a button.
Someone at my work got an email from a manager for not holding the railing while walking down three BS.
Driverless cars will be here much sooner than people think. Available on the market in 3 years. Majority on the road in 5-6. With reduced crashes come reduced vehicle weights, fuel optimization, engine optimization, speed optimization. Fuel use could be cut in half. The cars would be tin cans, but they'd be safe and dirt cheap.