It might actually turn out to be just as good as Breaking Bad.
Never understood the appeal of Mad Men-or Walking Dead, for that matter.
Except Bob Odenkirk's nowhere near as good in the drama department as Bryan Cranston is. It doesn't look like the new show will get as dark as Breaking Bad.
Never understood the appeal of Mad Men-or Walking Dead, for that matter.
Mad Men's appeal is nostalgia. It's in the sets and costumes and hairstyles and all the references to 60s stuff. People see their younger selves or their parents or grandparents in the characters.
As a continuing drama it's not all that great (I don't think so, anyway). It's like they were trying to string 13 episodes between the Kennedy-Nixon election and the Cuban Missile Crisis or between the Crisis and the Assassination or the Assassination and Vietnam escalation and didn't really care just what they threw in or how it fit together or whether they were repeating themselves.
I also get the feeling Matthew Weiner runs a loose ship and doesn't exercise much intelligent control over what his writers are doing. Still, it's definitely above average for TV if only because of the production values.
Give Walking Dead a shot. So far it’s been worth it.