not to be a zealot, but losing carbs will cure type two diabetes ; ) I can send you guys the video that explains how you can switch your body from burning carbs to burning fat, while keeping your protein level high so that you don’t lose muscle.
Zealot! ;-)
I’ll watch it, send away.
Where do I find it on the internet? I want to send it to my cub-her hub is tired of going out whenever he wants to eat meat and fresh veggies-all she cooks is whole grain pasta with rozen veggies, and dessert. He is still buff and she is turning into an orca...
I’m always amazed that there are still people-even on TV-insisting that plenty of whole grains and less meat and crap like that is part of a good diet-that doctor on one of the Sunday morning shows on Fox is one of them-I see him, and the sound gets muted until he is gone.