Is there a devil behind every tree ?
(And even if you don't believe that ... you should think and act like you do) ...
I think a lot of people would be surprised with their own thoughts if they would allow themselves the liberty to be paranoid
“I think a lot of people would be surprised with their own thoughts if they would allow themselves the liberty to be paranoid” From the looks of things, it appears that many have already given in to paranoia and lost the ability to turn away from it. As for the Temple of Satan, though its’ members outwardly claim disbelief in demons as unseen but living intelligences matters not because reality does not exist in their darkened, deluded minds. This means that despite their claims they are unconscious Satanists nevertheless. They do his will and perform his cult.
As noted in C.S. Lewis “The Screwtape Letters”, the most important thing Satan wants to convey to mankind is that he doesn’t exist.
The reason is that you will not be wary of an enemy who you fail to acknowledge exists.
(sound familiar?)