The article says the school allowed Bibles in the school. It doesn’t say the school allowed Bibles to be handed out in school. I assume that means kids were allowed to bring their Bible from home and read it when they had free time. The satan group wanted to hand out their coloring book at the school. There’s a big difference between the two. I agree that the school should not be in the business of handing out any religious or political material but I see nothing wrong with a kid bringing a Bible from home. It seems the school kind of threw out the baby with the bath water here.
Both sides are represented in any situation and if one side is objectionable, then PC demands both are ...
We're dealing with the GSA (gay/straight alliance) club in our high school and the latest attack was, "Are you homophobic?" which is PC wordspeak to align the opposition as an offensive position ... and of course if you are offensive, I must defend myself ... you are the bad guy and I'm the victim .. and THAT'S the intent and purpose of PC
It shuts down all argument and discussion by which a negative element might be eliminated or refused and by silence, the negative element enters in
It's damned evil