Typical behavior of this administration, and frankly our, now almost liberal leadership in the military. They bow to Islam, to be sensitive to their religion, by making decisions that harm his country. When the story leaks or breaks, they send their mouthpieces out with snippets to counter the blowback. Then we go, oh gee, it wasn’t as bad as originally reported. This has been their mode of operation from day one. They once again successfully silenced a vital story with clouded garbage talking points, just like Ebola, IRS, BENGHAZI, F&F, illegals, the list is too long, but I think you get my drift.
There wasn’t any equivocation on this report, it was supported by what was referred to as “ senior military”, a report from a Marine who was there, another guest and Gen. Jack Keene. I highly doubt Meghan Kelly is going to lead with such a volatile story without confirmation. I’m going with Meghan.