i was running Snow Leopard. I had to update most of my software but I kept Snow Leopard.
I should upgrade to Mavericks though. I just am not a fan of the newer OS systems, the Jonny Ive ones. They seem to have less of an Apple soul, if that makes sense.
My phone and iPad are all messed up because they are running OS 6 and I never upgraded them to 7. Now that OS 8 is out neither one can run them, and most of my apps are barely working.
I wish computers and cell phones and what not didn’t upgrade so frequently. Gone are the days when a new system would come out every couple of years.
Sigh. Technology. Can’t live with it, can’t really live without it. Cats are better
I didn’t understand a word of that, except, “I wish computers and cell phones and what not didnt upgrade so frequently.”