In Heaven Is For Real the boy meets a sister who died before he was born and the parents say they never told the boy about this. When he came back he asked his mom about his sister - who he only knew about because of seeing her in heaven.
So the parents could be making this all up - after all they did profit from it all. However, I have heard similar stories from people who never tried to get a payoff for their experience.
> So the parents could be making this all up - after all they did profit from it all. However, I have heard similar stories from people who never tried to get a payoff for their experience.
Same here but you know how the athiest left will try to spin this...
I thought this article was about HEAVEN IS FOR REAL.
As for going to Heaven, Benny Hinn says he went. But you have to buy his book to get the details. A total fraud.
If God allowed me to go visit Heaven then come back, I sure wouldn’t charge people to tell them about it.