Funny, isn’t it? Planned Parenthood claims to teach young people how to prevent pregnancy yet this idiot, who demands we pay for contraception for all women, can’t even keep her own child from going out and getting pregnant.
It isn’t funny, nor ironic. The tragedy is that within our grasp is the power to stop this abomination dead in its tracks. But we sit here and comment about the evil done, then go to bed, or go to work and forget about it for another day.
America has been dead a long time, I fear. The great men that fought for this country are literally spinning in their grave with rage for the evil their countrymen have done, and allowed to flourish within this country.
Watch an abortion, and tell me how the murderers in that room should be dealt with. Just because it is law, does not make it right. It is a spiritually bankrupt law that has no right alongside the constitution, and is a silent declaration of war on all mankind. That is the well reasoned, logical conclusion of the abortion debate...anyone that says it is okay is literally insane, and needs to be in a room with an abortion performed. It should be dealt with as the butchers were at Nuremberg. Anyone that says it is okay to murder a living, defenseless, innocent human being whose only made up crime was being conceived forfeits their right to live. It only makes sense. Logically.